Family health international - fhi 360
I have worked as a media specialist consultant with the international NGO, FHI360, based in Hanoi Vietnam.
Here I developed media products that promoted their health-related activities to policy-makers and most-at-risk populations (MARPs) from HIV, tuberculosis and influenza.
The media products included videos and animation, as well as online briefers and reports. Working with the FHI 360 team, we designed a broad media strategy that engaged and educated marginalised and disease-vulnerable communities on how to access healthcare services like tuberculosis and HIV testing and treatment.
One approach was using mobile phone technology to reach out to these MARPS, recruiting young affected people as mentors to reach out to their peers. Incentives for recruiting more MARPs included prizes based on a point system of how many texts they sent.
This proved to be very successful, and was broadcast to target audiences through a creative video and print media marketing campaign that I helped design, including the video I produced below.
With CDC and FHI 360 support, Hue General Hospital received International Accreditation Standards for its Microbiology Laboratory, which they celebrated in April 2012. Programs such as these help protect the Vietnamese against disease and strengthens the national healthcare system.